Noctilucents Volume Two: Selenium
Noctilucents 2: Selenium
Tom Tesla, the boy from Mars, has arrived on Earth.
Emerging from the battle at Canaveral shaken and scarred, Tom and Sophia find themselves at the centre of a political whirlwind. A second Collapse threatens, Al technology grows ever more powerful, and Sophia's father faces threats from every direction after his controversial rescue of the Mars colonists.
Alienated and alone on Earth, Tom is drawn back towards the stars, where his mother waits on Mars. Desperate to help the remaining colonists, he plans a mission to a lost Moon base, with the aid of Artur Kasparov.
Sophia knows her father is planning something more. He's launching deep space missions and working on something big — something that he definitely doesn't want the ruthless BCC and their Earth Firster allies to know about. The situation on Earth is growing ever more unstable, and one wrong move could tip everything back into chaos. Something needs to change, and Sophia has had enough of standing by.
But all the while, in the background, the Als unleashed by humanity are playing a different game altogether.
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